Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Science Variable Review

Science test will be May 20th. Here is the study guide.
Variable Review
·       A pendulum is a mass, suspended on a pivot point, free to swing.
·       A variable is anything that you can change in an experiment that might affect the outcome.
·       In a controlled experiment all variables are controlled except one, allowing the experimenter to observe the effect of that one variable on the outcome.
·       The length of a pendulum determines the number of swings in a unit of time.
·       Capacity is the maximum volume of fluid a container can hold.
·       The larger the capacity of a boat, the greater the number of passengers it can hold.
·       A system is a set of related objects that can be studied in isolation.
·       A system is a set of related objects that is working together.
·       Conducting multiple experimental trials adds validity to results.
·       Graphs can be used to demonstrate the relationship between an experimental variable and the results.

Vocabulary Words

Controlled experiment
Two-coordinate graph
Independent variable
Dependent variable

I need to find out…
·       relationship between the number of pennies needed to sink a boat and the capacity of the boat.
·       in a flipper system – what effect the angle of launch has on how far a person can flip an aluminum ball.
·       parts of a pendulum system.

I need to be able to
·       make a graph using independent variables and dependent variables.
·       name the parts of a catapult system.
·       explain the relationship between the length of the strings and the number of swings a pendulum makes in 10 seconds.

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