Monday, December 20, 2010


I sure have poor planning with the weather and Mrs. Thurm.  We are giving the tests tomorrow. Please study for both tests. Mrs. Lincoln's class will need to work on the study guide this afternoon instead of playing in the beautiful snow. We will go over the study guide tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. and take the test in the afternoon during our normal science test.  I will allow for study time during guided reading time. If no school on Tuesday, test will be give on WEDNESDAY before our Christmas party.
Mrs. Lincoln

Early OUT

Dear Parents,
It's an early out because of the weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! School will be dismissed at 1 p.m.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Spelling Words for December 20 - 22

Word Sort













St. Nick








kiss a pig contest

Hope Mrs.Lincoln wins and if she does she will kiss a real pig!!!!!!!!!!! {} :)


We are doing Fizz Quiz.


In math we are doing pages 192-193. We have to do 1-5 on the white boards and 9-17 on our own. We are doing division for example: 263 divided by 5.


In P.E. we played battle ship. We also played freeze tag.

Social Studies

Today in social studies we read lesson 4 and lesson 5.

Reading and Spelling

In reading today we had a test.In spelling we had a test. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Mrs.Lincoln's class will be retaking their math tests. They also will be doing check what you know questions (1-26).                                                                    

Reading and Spelling

Today in spelling we did page 95 and our buddy test. In language we did page 68. In reading we read with a partner From Bees To Honey. We are learning to summarize.

Christmas Party Plans

Dear Parents,
We are having a Christmas party!! If your child is bringing drinks, treats, or goodie bags, your child should have already informed you. These children are to bring the following: Matthew-treats, Macy- take home goodie bags, Mckenzie-goodie bags, Sidney-games, Daniel-music, Colin- drink and cups. Yes, we are having a gift exchange. Boys bring a boy gift and girls bring a girl gift. Price range $3 to $5. Party is December 22, 2010.
Have safe and Happy Holiday Season.
Mrs. Lincoln

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


We made wreaths and hung them around the room

Reading and Spelling

Mrs. Lincoln read to us the book From Bees to Honey .  In spelling we did page 93. Please study your words.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


It was mystery solutions day. We had to figure out which solution had the most concentrated solution. The green solution was the most concentrated because it was the heaviest. We have a huge Science test next Tuesday before Christmas break.

Reading and Spelling

We are learning about what text structure is week. Today we learned how to find facts about the bee's body parts.

Spelling: Our words have prefixes. We are learning about the Pre, Post, Re, and Co.

Christmas Video

Merry Christmas from Mrs. Lincoln's Fifth Graders!
Click on the link below.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Snow Day!

Here's a preview of pictures to posted into a new video. See you tomorrow. Mrs. Lincoln
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Spelling Words for December 13 - 17

prerecorded                   reappear                   postscript
cooperate                       prehistoric                 posttest
coauthors                        recharge                   precaution
postwar                          rejoin                        coexist
prefix                              coworker                  reform
prepaid                          refresh                       postdate
reenter                           reclaim

Friday, December 10, 2010

Social Studies

In Social Studies today we took notes about The Middle Colonies, for the last three lessons. Did you know that The Middle Colonies have the best soil.

Reading and Spelling

We had our spelling test today:(. We also had our reading test today on the story The Marble Champ:(

Thursday, December 9, 2010


In math we are doing problem solving and work sheet 8.6 if we don't get it done it we be home work ):


We did Buddy Test

by: Jordan Bass and Macy Miller


In the book  My Teachers an Alien They are going to get a photo of Mrs. Schwartz so they have evidence. In the book Midnight Fox There was a lot of feathers on the ground from the fox. In the book Scat there is someone or something is trying to kill a teacher. In the book Ralph S. Mouse Ralph just got a new car and he's back home.

Social Studies

Today in Social Studies we watched a video on the middle colines and at the end we played Hink Pink which is a riddle game!
Published by:Macy Miller and Jordan Bass


Today in Guidance we made Be a Buddy posters we will eventuly set them up around school BE A BUDDY NOT A BULLY!
Published by:Macy MIller and Jordan Bass

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Today we worked on problem solving skills. The problem solving is very difficult for us. We worked on 5 problems today with Mrs. Lincoln. Our homework assignment is only Page 177  (2) WE ARE ONLY TO DO NUMBER 2.


We are learning about concentrations and dilutes.

Social Studies

We took notes over lesson 2 Chapter 9.

Reading and Spelling

Today in reading we read our story with a partner. We are reading The Marble Champ.  Lupe wanted to win an athletic contest, but she was not an athletic only smart. She practiced and practiced until she became good at shooting marbles.

Spelling we did page 88.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Social Studies

We started to read chapter nine in our books and took notes.


We got a new composer named Peter I Tchaikovsky. We also colored a picture of Peter. We also watched the Nutcracker.

Reading and Spelling

We read The Marble Champ page 288 - 301,  We did page 87 in spelling.

Monday, December 6, 2010


We are multiplying decimals. Our assignment was Pages 174 - 175 (1-21)

Guided Reading

Ralph S. Mouse  read chapter 7.

My Teacher is An Alien  Today Susan tried to pull off the mask, but hit her head. We read Chapter 12 and 13.

Midnight Fox read Chapter The Search. Tom found the black fox.

Scat  we have begun reading this book- Smoke got into big trouble with teacher.

Reading and Spelling

We are reading the story Marble Champ. We are learning about the plot of the story.

In spelling we did page 86. We are learning about vowel sounds oy, ou, oi and ow.

Christmas Program Practice

We went to the High School to practice our Christmas Program songs and for some of use we had to practice band.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas party committee

Matthew, Colin, Sidney, Daniel, Macy, Mckenzie
More information to come.

Social Studies

In social studies we had a test.              by,colin

spelling words for December 6-10

moisture        voyage              employ        ounce            mountain     coward        allow          oyster        poise             pronounce         avoid           decoy            couch           tower          sour            destroy          bound            appoint             allowance    annoy                                                                                                        by,Colin

Reading and Spelling

We had our reading and spelling test today. Most of us did a good job.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


our assignment 1-17 and 8.3. we are multiplying decimals.

by Sidney


We looked at crystals from Citric Acid, Salt, and Epsom salt.

Social Studies

We studied  for our test on Friday  December 3, 2010. DO NOT FORGET TO STUDY FOR THE TEST.   Study long for the best grade.

By Sidney 

Reading and Spelling

We reviewed the Kate Shelley questions. Do not forget to study for your reading test. In spelling we did page 82 in spelling packet and buddy test. DO NOT FORGET TO STUDY SPELLING WORDS.


                                  By: Sidney and Mckenzie

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reading and Spelling

 We read Kate Shelley with a partner. The story took place in Boone, Iowa.  Don't forget to do your spelling words.