Thursday, November 18, 2010


We read a story about decompression sickness. Do you know what that is? It's also called the bends.

submitted by Hannah


  1. Hannah: Explain more about what decompression sickness is. I need some more information. Can I get it?

  2. The bends most often happens to deep-sea diver. As diver decend into the water, the pressure increases.The longer a diver stays down or the deeper the dive, the more nitrogen dissolves in the diver's body. When the diver comes to the surface, he or she might have to stop several times on the way up. If the diver is brought up too quickly, bubbles will form in the blood. If you get the bends you are put in a pressure chamber, increasng the pressure , then releasing the pressure very slowly. This process does not always reverse the damage done to the body tissues. Today divers who venture far below the sea's surface use computers. These computers tell divers at what depths to stop on the way up and for how long in order to prevent decompression sickness. I got this information from our science story book.
