Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Greek and Latin Roots Words and Definitions

We are studying Greek and Latin roots. We will have a test over the words and their meaning on Friday, January 20th.

acronym            an abbreviation formed by combining the initial letters in words.
anonymous        not named or identified
antonym            a word that means the opposite of another word
eponym             a person for whom something, such as a city, building, or street, has been named
heteronym         one of two or more words that are spelled alike but have different meanings and
                         pronunciations, such as bass voice and bass, a fish.
homonym          one of two or more words that are pronounced alike but have different spellings and
                         meanings, such as isle and aisle.
onomatopoeia   the formation of words that imitate sounds associated with the objects or actions to
                        which they refer
oronym             a string of words that sounds the same as another string of words, such as gray
                         day and grade A  
pseudonym       false name: a fictitious name
synonym           one of two or more words that have the same meaning.            

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